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Our Courses

We run two courses aimed at trainees approaching the FRCR 2B although they are suitable for trainees at any stage prior to fellowship.

Aunt Minnies for FRCR 2B

Aunt Minnies FRCR 2B

This two day course runs three times a year and concentrates on cases that you may encounter in your final FRCR exam.


The course is split into several components to ensure candidates remain refreshed and stimulated. There are modules, lectures and tips for the exam.


For more about each click below or to see the overall program click the link at the bottom.

The cost of the course is £400 on the following dates:

December 19th and 20th 2024



During each mini-test the delegates have time to review 30 cases in each specialty.

FRCR 2B Course (2 day)


  • MSK

  • Paediatrics

  • Chest

  • Neuroradiology

  • GI/GU

Neuroradiology for 2B Course (1 day)


  • MRI interpretation

  • Spinal imaging

  • On call reporting for 2B

The cases are then used as a basis for an interactive teaching session which highlights the common imaging findings of each pathology.


Handouts summarising all the useful information are sent electronically to each candidate.



Our workshops focus on some of the more challenging aspects of the FRCR exam with plenty of time allocated for discussion. They are on topics that candidates often find troublesome, particularly in the early stages of revision:

FRCR 2B Course (2 day)


  • "How to approach hand pathology"

  • "Non-Accidental injury and the differentials"

Neuroradiology for 2B Course (1 day)


  • "How to approach MRI in the viva"

The workshops get fantastic feedback as they really place emphasis on the common conditions that come up in the FRCR 2B exam.

They also allow us to recap the findings seen in the Modules.

Tips for the exam

Tips for the exam

In the 2-day Aunt Minnie course we run three short interactive sessions on the components of the FRCR 2B exam.

Here we set the scene and discuss the common pitfalls (and how to avoid them!).


  • The online experience

  • Common pitfalls

  • A model answer

Long Cases

  • What makes a good long case?

  • Structuring the answer

  • Marking scheme

Rapid Reporting

  • Checklists covering common pathologies

  • How to revise for the Rapids

  • Common pitfalls

We use lots of examples of different cases that are popular for the components.

Neuroradiology for FRCR 2B

This one day course concentrates on the aspects of neuroradiology that you may see in the FRCR 2B exam.

FRCR 2B Course (1 day)


  • Basic MR sequences for FRCR

  • Phakomatoses and other long cases

  • Common neurological tumours

  • Spinal imaging

  • Non-accidental injury

As with the Aunt Minnie course, each candidate will work through a series of cases which will then be used as a basis for teaching.

Neuro FRCR 2B

The cost of the course is £200 on the following dates:

This course will run on the following dates:

December 18th 2024


New for 2020

New for 2024

Following the feedback from our first 4 online courses we have made some changes:

  • We provide cloud Pacs links to all cases available right up to your exam

  • Electronic handouts with QR code links to scrollable companion cases.

  • The handouts are accessible online until your 2B exam is finished.

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