Welcome to Aunt Minnie Radiology Courses
Kick start your revision with our fresh approach to FRCR 2B exam preparation. Receive structured teaching on over 350 cases and grasp the tips for exam success.

“The best thing about the course is Stuart and Ian. Motivated teachers who keep it really interesting”

Dr Ian Craven
Ian is a Consultant Radiologist and Clinical Lead of MRI Service in Leeds Teaching Hospitals. He was Lead of the Radiology Academy from 2015 to 2023. He originally trained in Sheffield and passed the FRCR in 2011.
He is a past member of the faculty on the Sheffield and Aintree FRCR 2B viva courses. He has published interactive video lectures for PasTest on chest and neuroradiology. He is Honorary Secretary of the British Society of Neuroradiologists. Ian also examines for the European Diploma of Neuroradiology.
He won Trainer of the Year in 2019 for the West Yorkshire Training Scheme.

Dr Stuart Currie
Stuart is a Consultant Radiologist at Leeds General Infirmary having trained in Leeds and passed the FRCR in 2009. He has a PhD in Neuroimaging from the Academic Unit of Radiology, Sheffield and was the Du Boulay Professor for the British Society of Neuroradiologists & Royal College of Radiologists from 2017 to 2019 with a remit to promote education and research in neuroradiology.
Stuart has co-written one of the bestselling FRCR 2A SBA books and a radiology anatomy book for surgeons. He holds an MEd in clinical education and is an examiner for the RCR Part 1 Anatomy exam.
He won Trainer of the Year in 2023 for the West Yorkshire Training Scheme.

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